I have a passion for humming birds, almost an affinity with these little birds. They are aggressive and flighty, always on the move, which could describe my personality well. Their colors flash so bright in the sun as they jip and zoom along from flower to flower.

I have created an oasis for them on my front porch,they are attracted to the honeysuckle growing on the post,and the feeders hung across the porch from each other to make it more difficult for one bird to take over the feeder.A fuscia plant hangs under the eaves and there are always pots of impatiens by the front entry to attract them.
They usually return to the garden in late July and stay till mid September,with a frequent flight path between my porch and the rear neighbors garden.One can sit fairly still and they will come ,only slightly weary of us.Once while on the swing I had one buzz behind my shoulder obviously checking me out.
This yaer to capture their flights I set up on the chaise lounge about 6 ft. from the feeder they use the most and waited.I used a high shutter speed and an external flash to balance the shadows of the porch.Auto focus is a bit tricky as it wants to focus on other distractions such as the vines they perch on.I have begun to get a few good captures.In the upcoming days I will spend alot of time out there on that lounge. Sounds relaxing doesn't it?
OMG Tani, this is beautiful, what a lovely space you have!!! You have done right to start this now at this time of year (fall has always been a time of new beginnings for me...I know this is so exciting for you)...And is that our Anni I saw below?
This is wonderful Tani, good luck! I will be around as much as possible,
love and hugs,
When I first saw your hummingbirds on Flickr, I remembered you trying to capture them with your former camera. What a difference a year makes!
What a joy it must be to watch these precious little beings go about their daily tasks.
(waves hi to Sheila as well)
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