Photography: Finding beauty in life through the view of a lens
After I left the hill, I headed to Grays Lake just South of downtown, I still wanted to capture the colored lights on the padestrian bridge in the park. The last time I tried about a month ago a thunderstorm rolled in before it got dark enough.
The parking lots were full,there were alot of people out enjoying the evening air. There was some wind, so the longer exposures I tried blurred, even though I was using a remote shutter and tripod. The first shot turned out to be the best, Isn't that the way it always goes,LOL
It was a big day today,we had my nieces baby shower in the city.it was a fine day,although a bit cold.Everyone had alot of fun.The Mommy to be had alot of nice gifts to get ready for the big event.It didn't start to sprinkle till we were ready to leave. We had a rain storm along the way home,and when we drove out of it there was this huge sunburst through the clouds. Looked like we were driving towards the heavens. I was riding,so I was able to capture this through the windshield between raindrops. The color was adjusted in PSE since I had accidentally left the WB on sunny from earlier in the day.LOL
I feel very good about how the interview went,and I hope to hear some good news about the position in the next few weeks.
On the way home I stopped at Somerset State Park,I was looking for some wilflife and wildflowers. I didn't see any birds or wildlife,but there were some interesting grasses and wildflowers.I went down on one of the floating docks to sit and found a huge spider web,I also noticed how detailed and clear the reflections from the trees were.It was a beautiful afternoon,sun shining and mild teperatures.
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